Saturday, May 12, 2012

Crunch mode for the next year

Bach Double (me on the right); photo by Troung Ly
Two nights ago was my orchestra's last concert of the school year and I'd like to say it went well, but y'know, we're our own toughest critics. I got to play the Bach double with my new friend and stand partner who's three years younger and has the performing experience of a 30 year old woman, and our two top cellists played Vivaldi's double concerto. That said, this was a year packed full of solos! From Corelli's Christmas Concerto, to Villa-Lobos' Bachianas Brasileiras no. 5 and to the two double concertos, it was a great year with the orchestra and I had a lot of fun. I don't have videos, darn, but now I've got a couple of impressive titles to add to my known repertoire list for my GMU School of Music application!

I've given some thought about music after high school and I finally realize it's a lot of money to invest, considering I've got two siblings who would probably like to do something spectacular in college or go out of state as well, but it's unfair to close the door to music if it's something I really love. So, after spending this entire year arguing with Mom about what to do in college, what school to go to, and what is possible or impossible with our financial status, we finally agreed to either GMU or JMU simply because they are willing to give scholarships to musicians going into music as a minor. And that's wonderful news! Knowing I've got 8 years of experience and only now am starting Mazas etudes and Carl Flesch's scale system, I've chosen my two audition pieces -- one memorized -- now so I could perfect them and memorize them in the summer, along with scales, to hopefully blow the judges away by late fall. College auditions would probably be my fifth audition EVER which is pretty exciting, especially since I know what not to do after realizing I crapped all over the last two in my life -- Governor's School for the Arts and District Honors Orchestra (but I made it!). The two auditions I plan on going to just before college auditions are Districts again and Regional Honors Orchestra, and because I at least know that I'll make it to Districts, half of the worry's gone. :)

Logging off now to start my self-scheduled music theory lesson plan using Ralph Turek's The Elements of Music II because hey! Not only do I have auditions to worry about next year, but also the IB Higher Level Music exam!

<sarcasm>I love facing the reality of my choices!</sarcasm>

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