Saturday, April 21, 2012

An Introduction

(This blog started out as before I changed it to

"Dissonant fugues" is the title to my IB Music paper drafted in my junior year of high school, which analyzed the fourth movement of Samuel Barber's piano sonata op. 26, Allegro con spirito. In essence it was a fugue -- constantly sequencing everywhere, contrapuntal, and very dissonant. I absolutely loved studying it for the paper, and although after I while I really couldn't take listening to it anymore, I sometimes return to it every now and then to enjoy one sit-through with it, thinking back to what I said and how I felt about it. I guess that's what life is. If our entire lives were to be written down, there'd be that one fugal movement, which in some would be very calm, Bach-like and dainty, and in others, sprinkling and dissonant like acid rain, like Barber.

This is me at seventeen, at a community-wide musical production in 2012 both my dad (not seen) and I had worked hard in and enjoyed every minute of.
I can't decide if my fugal movement is classically written or the latter. Either one would make the me of the future, and I guess by saying that I'll never know until it's resolved and done, and then I can look back, but it'd be nice to know now. I'm Annie, last name pending. My hobbies spread from painting, to performing, to writing, and my (albeit amateur) work is shared among other artists on the internet. I've got incredibly realist parents whom I'm grateful to for being realists while at the same time supporting my artistic endeavors, and along with that, friends and a community full of love, prayer and support. This is a view of my life, which I hope in the end turns out to be a grand symphony. In a flat key.
Outside of this blog I post ridiculous things on:

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